
Friday 29 March 2019

Unwind Part Six Unwound

Unwind Part-Six Unwound

Connor and Risa are sent to Happy Jack Harvest Camp. Describe what it is like, and explain why it is like this. P265-266
Happy Jack Harvest Camp, is in Arizona with a beautiful view, through the forest to the breathtaking red mountains of Sedona to the west.
Their were staffs that had uniforms that has comfortable shorts, and beautiful Hawaiian shirts.
The boys' dormitory is painted light blue, with green accents
and the girls' is lavender, with pink.
The reason why its like this was because the Unwinds are humbled for all to see before being set loose into the general population.

What is the exact percentage of the Unwind that you have to keep alive? Why is it not 100%, as Risa believes? P269
Well Risa did believe that the Law says you have to keep 100 percent of an Unwind alive.
But the Counselor says "its actually 99.44 percent, which takes into account things like the appendix."

What do the unwinds call the place where unwinding occurs? P271
The Unwinds call it the Chop Shop.

Lev too, is at Happy Jack, but as a tithe. Why is this?
He was wearing his tithing whites, but for his last time, maybe because he needs to show who he is. before he has an appointment for unwinding in about thirteen days.

On p278 Connor and Roland finally have the fight that's been brewing between them. What does each character realise during this?
Well what Conner was thinking about while trying to fight Roland, was Would you rather die, or be Unwound? and that was the moment when Conner knew his answer, and maybe that's what Conner wanted.
Roland on the other hand was thinking about Conner really calling him the Killer, when Roland says he didn't do anything to kill anyone, and says Conner is the only Criminal here between them two.

P284 - What group has Lev joined, who recruited him, and when will they follow out their plan?
Well he joined the group with Cleaver, and Cleaver was their recruiter.
Well what Lev knows is that he is being used but doesn't care, but all he knows is that someday soon the world will suffer, and by that they will notice it when the moment they raise their hand and applause.

Roland is called for unwinding on p286. Why is this?
Roland's blood type is AB negative which is really rare in high demands, and he is worth more than anyone in his unit.
And so they will be unwinding him as soon as they can, before his eighteenth birthday that will be soon.

Chapter 61 is arguably the most confronting chapter in the book. Here we have Roland's first person narrative of being unwound. Do you think this chapter is necessary? Why do you think Shusterman chose to have Roland's experience detailed? Do his memories alter how you view him?
I feel like it is necessary to have Roland's part of getting unwound in the book, because his part shows some of the information about getting unwound, and to let us know what it feels like and what it may look like.
I also believe that Shusterman have chose to have Roland's experience of this, maybe because he could be a good and strong type of person to be getting unwound.
He also isn't really a big deal in a book, but he is a good character to be Conner's type of enemy.

Why does Lev decide not to clap? P310
He couldn't clap because the stronger part of him refuses Lev to not clap at all, even though he wants to and needs to he cannot clap.
And once he saw Conner he decided not to clap at all.

Thursday 28 March 2019

Mathmatics Questions

1. What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or that we discussed in class?
Ratio's were the main thing that I think that I found easy throughout every other maths stuff that I've learnt the past few years

What questions do you still have about learning new things in maths?
Well the past few years I would always work on the same thing over and over and never work on something different, but now that I learn new things that are hard and that I struggle on, I get better at it all the time.

Describe a mistake or misconception that you or a classmate had in class. What did you learn from this mistake or misconception? 
Well every time I would have to work with strangers I struggle a lot and get nervous, and they would always do the work while I will sit and watch but sometimes give small Ideas and talk very quietly.
And I learn how to be smart and not be scared when I know nothing bad is going to happened by just working with people I do not know, and give it a go.
Then things got better, and I learnt a lot from it, and now I get better at maths with their help and less mucking around.

What new vocabulary words or terms were introduced?
Well to me I got introduced to Ratio's I don't know its right but I only learnt it for about 1 week or less, but I feel like it wasn't as hard as it sounds. 

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Taha Wairua

Taha Wairua:
What were we learning in health?
We are learning about Taha Wairua Spiritual well-being and knowing which of the well-beings we are doing.
Taha Wairua is of course Spiritual Well-being.
Spiritual Well-being relates to anything just like, your Culture, Religion, your Identity, and of course your Health and many more.

We had to do two tasks, one of the tasks we had to make was a paper full of words that describes us, and what we love doing and just important things.
Here was my list below that describes some of me and my life.
The orange paper on the outside are the five most important things that shows us, and what we enjoy doing.
We would use them at the time when the teacher tells us question abut what situation we would use them.

The next thing we did was to do an Online Personal Assessment, and it would tell us about what values we chose that explains us.
Then after that we also had to choose two of our important values that we chose from the Personal Values Assessment, to put in a table and explain the following questions.

Unwind Graveyard

Unwind Graveyard:

Which job in the graveyard does Risa get assigned to? How does this come about? P201
Well the job she got assigned to was doing the dishes, so she was a dishwasher.
She really didn't mind because she wanted to get it over and done with.
But then later on in the book she helped a random person with a bleeding nose, and she did everything right just to make it stop, and so she became a dishwasher to a medic.
So she is assigned as a medic.

Why doesn't Connor volunteer for "work"? P205
Well what I may know is that, the reason why he didn't put his hand up for work even though its something he may like, was because he heard people around him saying that the Admiral is using them, "this place is not a refuge, its a Slave market. Why doesn't anyone see that".

How does Roland unsettle Connor? P206-207
Well I believe that the way he is trying to unsettle Conner is the way he is talking to him, and telling stuff about what the Admiral is trying to do, some ways the Admiral is trying to use things from the unwinds for him to have and want.

P208-209 detail Lev's arrival, and Connor's reaction. Make sure you fill in your character profiles for both characters.
Conner's reaction to seeing Lev was in my thoughts mixed emotions, and what I mean by that is that he is quite happy to see him but at the same time angry at Lev for betraying him and Risa and the first place.
When Lev spotted Conner he just gave him a small grin, and Lev had never been pleased by Conner's presence.
The first thing Lev just said was "How are things?"
But later on Conner had to do something that was right and what he had to do to make things right between the two of them.
So he hauls off and punches Lev in the eye.

P214-215 Connor learns the truth about the Admiral here. How does the Admiral gain Connor's trust?
Well Conner did have a good argument to tell the Admiral, but the thing was, was that the Admiral did tell the truth to him, which was something I wasn't expecting, he took out his dentures and told where he got it, and telling Conner about his life.
But I feel like the Admiral, is telling Conner all these because he knows he might be the Admiral's helper or something.

What, according to the Admiral, is it that Connor is becoming famous for in the Graveyard?p212
Well he was a good fixer and would be good at fixing things, and the Admiral knows that.
And also the Admiral told Conner if he could fix his coffeemaker, to see Conner's improvement and just how smart and good Conner is with fixing stuff.

What happens to the Goldens?p217
They were killed from someone, locking them up in a crate suffocating with no air holes to breathe, Conner thinks it was Roland the whole time, but it really wasn't him.

How does Roland begin to assert his power in the Graveyard? (you'll need to look throughout the section)
Well I believe that he is trying his best, telling everyone things about the admiral and trying to make them feel in a type of way to escape I guess.
Roland may be telling everyone that the admiral is trying to look for good body parts or other stuff so he can look good I guess, he wants every unwind in one spot so he can do his next move on them.

P222-226 give us an insight into how the Unwinding Bill was passed into law. Summarise what happened, then explain whether or not you think it is plausible.
Well as known in the book, there was not only two wars there were three.
There was the life army, choice brigade, and the remains of the American Military, whose job was to keep both wars from fighting each other.
Later on in the book, the Bill of life joined in, at first it was a joke and no one took it seriously.
But that same year the Nobel Prize went to a scientist who perfected neurografting, its a technique that allows every part of a donor to be used in transplant.
But then with the war getting worse, they decided to bring both sides to the table.
Then they proposed an idea of unwinding, which would terminate unwanted's without ending their lives.
Both sides were thinking about it, and saw that nothing was wrong with it, and so the Bill of Life was signed, the Unwind Accord went into effect, and the war was officially over.

The Admiral was there when the Bill of Life was signed - do you think this detracts from the believability of the commonplace nature of Unwinding? In your opinion, do you think the book should have a few more generations between those who signed the Bill, and the present state in the novel?
I mean they could have shown more information about who signed the Bill of Life,
because he would have given more knowledge to Conner to see what he would try and do if their were anyone his age that could have signed the Bill.
But then on the other hand I don't think it will matter if he had told more about who signed the Bill of life because Conner wouldn't have known anything about it.

What job does Lev volunteer to do? P236
The Job that Lev Volunteered to do, which his hand was the third to go up.
He chose to do the pipeline Job.

Which part of Harlan Dunfree does Emby have? P240
Emby has the lungs from Harlen Dunfree, and I guess that's where she got given the last name is Dunfree

Chapter 39 is from Roland's point of view. Why do you think Shusterman changes the narrative here? What do we learn in this short chapter?
Well this short chapter talks about Roland and Conner, I feel like this short chapter could show that Conner has an enemy heading his way to make the story a bit more hard for them to save themselves from being unwound.

By the end of this section, things at the Graveyard have deteriorated, with the unwinds turning on the Admiral, and tearing the place apart. Which character is beaten to death on p250?
At the end of the section Cleaver was the character who was getting beaten up by a crowd of people, or you could say a crowd of Unwinds.

What does the Admiral refuse on p255? What is the doctor's reaction to this?
Well the Admiral refuses to have an heart transplant, and the doctor's reaction wasn't as happy that he sighs in some type of way that the Doctor isn't happy.

Why does Roland have the Juvey-Cops called? P259
Well from what I saw in the book he had the Juvey-Cops called, because they told Roland that there is a price up for grabs if you caught Unwinds and to bring them to the Juvey-Cops.
And also Roland was talking about Conner and Risa but not only them, but the rest of the Unwinds.

Why doesn't his plan happen? P260-1
Roland's plan didn't work because all along the cops knew about the Admiral and the Graveyard for more then a year.

Monday 25 March 2019

Child Labour Paragraph

Image result for mercury child labourImage result for mining child labour
                                Child Labour:
Child labour is the worst thing that a child would experience, its bad for them, but then it is whats best for them and their family. 
They would get payed a few money to help out with their family, and that's why their parents decided to put their child to work and not being educated.
 What they would do with the money is to buy and get things that are important, and things they would really need Food, Water or maybe any type of house furniture.
Children who are going through this, would do work just like Agriculture, Retail and services, Industry and Manufacturing etc.
Child Labour shouldn't be accepted to this world, and shouldn't be happening ever in this world.
These children should be educated well and grow up well for a better life in the future, as their life will go on they would get a Job and pay off a lot more then they would normally do.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Sonia Terk Delauney

Sonia Terk Delauney:
Sonia Terk Delaunay was a French born artist, she spent a lot of her working life in Paris, and with her husband Robert Delaunay and others, she was noted for the use of strong colours and geometric shapes. Her work also extends to painting, textile and design and stage set design.
Image result for sonia terk delaunay
This was the best one that I loved because it has such good colour mixing and I don't find anything bad about it.
This was my side of my sketch thumbnail oil paintings, what I did to create this was adding a lot of colours, and then I made the white oil paint to make it stand out and to also make it my leading line, to the focal point.

Art Bird Painting

Image result for mohuaArt Bird Painting:

Focal Point - The focal point of this painting is the bird, in the centre, its a Mohua (Yellow Head Bird)
It is a New Zealand Native bird, its also a songbird with a yellow head and underparts.
This bird can only be found in the south islands.

Leading Lines - The leading lines are of course the white painting painted towards the Mohua or the two corners of the white paintings are leading its way to the bird, so that it shows colour to make the bird the main picture for this painting, the bird is not yellow in my painting, because when I do art I don't like to colour in pictures sometimes.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Unwind Destination

This section opens with Lev in a pawnbroker's. What does this tell you about how his character is changing?
Well Lev has been living a sort of normal life, he does not like his parents at all.
He would know that he could buy stuff instead of stealing certain things, but now that he is living the life where he is at right now, and not with his family, he would be going desperate for food and all sorts. He is pretty smart with what he is doing, he is selling things that he had stolen just like, jewels and stuff like that just to afford food.

While being transported to possible safety, some of the kids on the run wonder, "Would it be better to die or be unwound?" If given the choice, which would you choose? Why? This response requires more than one or two sentences! Put forward at least three reasons why you think what you do.
I mean in my opinion, I would be unwound because I would rather help people who are in need with different types of body parts or organs.
If I was to die then to be unwound, I would probably die as a normal human being would, but me showing my braveness is what I really want to show.
I would probably think to myself why my parents would have to want me to become an unwind, then to just not have me live my life in peace for the rest of my life.
But I would respect them if it was for the reason to give my organs, to the people who are in need, and to also let me know for my opinion.

Another question the kids in the book discuss is, "If every part of you is still alive but inside someone else, are you alive or are you dead?" They also wonder if consciousness can exist even if it's spread out, and if the soul remains intact. What do you think? Read Thomas Hobbes' Ship of Theseus puzzle to help you make a decision. Be sure to reference it in your answer!
I believe that if you have your own body parts in someone else's body, in my opinion can mean you are alive in them because they have whats yours.
You might think I'm weird because being alive in someone else's body would just be double lives in one, but what I'm saying is that, your just alive in them not doing certain moves but like somehow controlling their minds from where they really need to go. In the book there was a donor who gave a person a part of their brain, and the donor would somehow do what they want the receiver to do not really forcing him, but trying to find a way but not in a harmful type of way.

This section of the novel sees Lev and Cy-Fi finally make it to Joplin. As they get closer, Cy-Fi's behaviour becomes increasingly erratic. What are some of the things he does, or things he likes, that are not his own behaviours or memories?
Well Cyrus would always start to twitch as they get closer to Joplin which is the destination they needed to go just to complete what the unwind person in his head was showing him to do.
He would go from place to place just to get to where he needed to go.
As soon as he got to his destination things started to go through with him, and then things were back to where he doesn't feel anything.

What was Cy-Ty hiding in his backyard? Pg 185-194
The things that were hiding in Taylor's backyard was all the thing he had stolen, which were loads of rich jewels which were the matters of Cyrus twitching, and also coming to Joplin for.
And about all that was the reason why Taylor needed to get back to Joplin, to apologise to his parents.

The section ends with Cy-Ty reaching his destination. What do you think of his parents' behaviour? What does Lev's support show you about his character?
I think that his parents behaviour was actually quite different to my prespective, and was very nice to accept his apology which was a good thing to do.
Lev's support shows me that he is a true helper, and would become a better person in the future if he would keep doing what he is doing.