
Wednesday 20 February 2019

Dystopian Literature

Dystopian Literature:
According to the Science-Fiction Dictionary Brave New Words, dystopian literature is "an imagined society or state of affairs in which conditions are extremely bad, especially in which these conditions result from the continuation of some current trend to an extreme." 
Name three synonyms for dystopia.
  1. Antonym of utopia
  2. Suffer
  3. Nasty

What is the antonym for dystopia?

1. Extremely Good
2. A good place

Dystopian Origins and characteristics
Dystopia is a relatively new genre, but has deeply rooted origins dating back to Thomas More's 1516 text Utopia. Dystopia fiction often comes about when major events happen in the world (WWII, the rise of communism, major advances in technology).  
Defining features of dystopia include:

  • Full Government control
  • Citizens relinquishing all rights
  • Seemingly perfect societies with a dark side to them
  • The rise of technology, and how it overtakes humanity
  • Citizens have a fear of the outside world
  • Citizens worship one leader
  • Citizens live in a dehumanised state

Types of Dystopian Controls:
  • Corporate control: One or more large corporations control society through products, advertising, and/or the media.  
  • Bureaucratic control: Society is controlled by a mindless bureaucracy through a tangle of red tape, relentless regulations, and incompetent government officials.  
  • Technological control: Society is controlled by technology—through computers, robots, and/or scientific means.  
  • Philosophical/religious control: Society is controlled by philosophical or religious ideology often enforced through a dictatorship or theocratic government.  
Which dystopian novels have you read?  
I have never have been reading any type of dystopian novels, but I have heard of some of them and I feel like I have watch some.

How many others can you name?  
I know one famous favourite dystopian novel, which is called "The Hunger Games" I have not red the book but have watch the movie.

  • 1984 - George Orwell - often seen as the definitive text - 'Big Brother is watching you
  • Brave New World - Aldous Huxley - once again an earlier example of dystopian literature
  • A Clockwork Orange- Anthony Burgess - Stanley Kubrick's film adaptation was banned in the U.K for twenty-five years until 1999 due to its "ultra-violence' and copycat crimes. Burgess claims he regrets ever having published the book.  

Examining the Cover

Must Do Questions:

Looking at the original cover to the right, answer the following questions, remember to explain why you think that for each answer:

  • How do you think this story will be written? By the looks of the cover I feel like the story will be written in some type of way that can somehow change peoples emotion, because the way it looks it sort of looks like a transformation from normal to powerful.
  • Why do you think the story is entitled as it is? Maybe because the way the title is named and the what everything looks outside the covers of the book, goes well with what the story is telling.
  • Where do you think the story will take place? I feel like the story will take place in a very dark scary cave or place, I think that because the cover of the book and black and red which seems scary.
  • What time period do you think the story is set in? I believe this story was set in I think 2006 or 2007, and I say that because this story was before the hunger games was published in 2008 which should be written 1 or 2 years before the hunger games.

Monday 18 February 2019

Human Rights

What I already knew:
That everyone around the world don't have human rights and that they can be still slaves or be torture and maybe not have been educated.
And they won't be successful in life and won't even be able to get a job.

What I found interesting:
Around the whole world I did not know that a lot of people did not have human rights, and that we are so lucky we are living in a country where there are no slaves, and most of us with human rights don't know the rest of the people are struggling with no jobs or being educated.

What I'd like to learn:
How does it feel without human rights and what will happen if I don't have human rights.

Sunday 17 February 2019

Literacy skill practise

Image result for germany abandoned cars

1. Can you find thing image online? - Yes
2. I feel like this text is a lie because what it has told me when I had been reading the article, it said photograph captures a massive multi-day traffic jam in china, most likely infamous August 2010 China National Highway 110 traffic tie-up:
3. Why do you think people shared this online?
I feel like they put this up as a lie because they are trying to draw people's attention so they can earn a lot of money for a lot of people to see more about their news which can be a lot of fake stuff.

Critical Questioning Matrix

Who is the most likely audience of this text and why?
The target audience would be the people who are in need of help with teeth whitening or helping their teeth to be strong and for their gums to be healthy.
What it this text about?
and how do you know?
This text is about toothpaste that will help with your teeth that you may need whitening.
I may know this because the ad told me so and it is toothpaste and toothpaste helps you with your teeth.
Is this text fair?
It may be fair once you try the product they are doing the ad on, because it may work out.
What kind of language is used in this text?
Only English.

Who is allowed to speak?
I believe the only person that may be allowed to speak is the author.
Why are you reading this text?
Some people may think that this ad could be important for others, well with bad treatment in their hair, so they try the product they see on ad that may work or not.
What does the author want us to know?
The author wants us to know that the product they are selling is useful and a good way to keep your hair looking healthy and beautiful, so they can draw such attention from the audience.
What kind of language is used in this text?

The Hare And The Tortoise
What genre does this text belong to?
Comedy, because it was funny how the hare was making in front of the tortoise for being slow, and so they had a running race and still the hare was still mocking the tortoise.
And soon on the tortoise won the race because the hare was having a nap cause he'd thought he would win anyways when he wakes up.

What do you think Critical Literacy is?
Critical Literacy is when you apply Critical thinking to a literacy topic.
What did you learn during Critical Literacy?
Putting your own words in what things you may find interesting, I now know how I can use my critical literacy skill when thinking on a literacy topic.
What did you find challenging during Critical Literacy?
What I first found challenging was what critical literacy was because I have never heard or learnt about.
And also what I found challenging was the critical questioning matrix where we had to watch an ad and answer the following questions thinking critically to what the answer will be.
How will you use Critical Literacy skill in real life?
Trying to put your critical thinking into the question or work you are trying to answer.
What are you looking forward to in English this year?
Because I have learnt about Critical Literacy I feel like I can use my Critical thinking on the topic I may be working. 

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Butterflies - By Patricia Grace


What kind of language is used in this text?
English but types that they don't sometimes know how to use their punctuation's so broken English.
What is this text about, how do you know?
This text is about how a little girl which they call their granddaughter loves to write, and she was writing about killing butterflies because they eat all our food, and the teacher does not know that butterflies are killing our vegetable because she doesn't grow any vegetables she buys them at the supermarket and she really cares about butterflies because the teacher thinks they are gentle and beautiful.
What does the author want us to know?
That butterflies aren't what we think they are, like they are very beautiful and kind, but really they have been eating our vegetables that we love to eat.
And also the author wants us to know how life was back then maybe.
How are characters constructed in this text?
By having the story they are talking about being realistic by having family by her questioning her about school and what she did, and also having the teacher by telling her that everything the little girl is writing that it may be wrong.
What kinds of social realities does this text portray?
When Patricia Grace was growing up

Tuesday 12 February 2019



What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or that we discussed in class?
One thing that I know that I learned in maths were that we can always learn from our mistakes and maths is not a thing to keep focus on and always struggle with what your doing, because its about having fun and not a type of hard work sometimes.

What questions do you still have about building a sculpture with tooth picks?
Why did we have to do it, like what did it have to do with maths?
But I feel like it was a reason for the phrase you learn from your own mistakes and if the sculpture breaks down then that will be your mistake.

Critical Literacy Vocabulary

Critical Literacy Vocabulary
  1. Agenda - list of items, or a given perspective.
  2. Authority - Someone who is an authority on something knows a lot about it.
  3. Bias - A person who favours a person or thing unfairly.
  4. Credible - is when someone or something is able to believe that you can believe it.
  5. Manipulate - to influence or control people or events.
  6. Perspective - a particular way of looking at an object or thing.
  7. Reliable - a person or a thing that can be reliable to do what you want.
  8. Source - the person. place or thing that something comes from.
Factual or satirical?
The onion - The website has different types of news on both sides and the middle and it has different thing you can click to visit some other things you wanna know about. The photos they are using are photos that don't so much about the message or news they are talking about. They are using fake headlines that people can tell that it ain't real just like people can jump off the aeroplane without using the aeroplane. This website is satirical from my looks or it.

The New York times - I believe that this news is fake because one of them talks about cardi b and it has her sitting on pianos and singing when she only raps and doesn't play piano on stage.

The civilian - The website looks like a type of website that has all news that fit into one page and doesn't really look real with the titles they have from the information.

The daily mail - The website has things that talks more about older people information but for what I have seen it talks about a man that had to rip his leg off and it was still there but they never said they are about to rip his leg off.

The daily mash - In this website it has different type of website that you can click on that can take you to the news that you want and I feel like its fake by the way because all the photos doesn't show the info.

The herald - By looking at the website it shows a lot of info that I hear around my family that happen and also the photo really shows the real meaning of the info.

The shovel - In my opinion I believe its fake because one site news shows that someone has died after waiting two hundred years for a train to come and pick him up when no one can ever live that long.

Daily telegraph - I believe this website is fake because its all on this one site that I saw it was about two girls got into a car crash that really doesn't show the car that got into the accident but only show the girls with their face covered.

Friday 8 February 2019

Art from the start

Art term 1 2019:
3D drawings:

From the start of the year in term 1 my class and I had to draw 3D looking shapes with shading and everything to make it look realistic.
I tried my best to do my best on how to make it look realistic and it turned out alright.
I had to draw the background, the table, the shade and finger shading that I usually use.
This was my ever first time drawing something that I never thought that I could draw because when I tried I started to get better at it and now I think to myself I could draw other shapes or other objects or things.