
Wednesday 24 July 2019

The Hunger Games Workshop 4

How is colour used to enhance the story?
This scene shows Katniss running, she is one of the selected tributes from District 12 in The Hunger Games. District 12 is one poor District compared to the others which have more rich, luxury items. The colours that are used for this scene are Grey, Bad looking white and dark green which show Sad emotions. The director Gary Ross has used these colours to show what it looks like when all districts are split, and to make them feel like they have a less chance of winning The Hunger Games.

This was one setting in the movie which has all the people that control what is happening in the Arena. This looks way different from what has been shown in District 12, This has bright colours, Blue and White which really shows Happiness and a more clean type of look. Gary Ross has used these colours to show the audience how rich Snow the Capitol is and how important he is to everyone.

The colours are used a lot in this scene, there are bright colourful colours used, these people are used mostly for sponsors that all the tributes may need. The colours show how rich they look right now. Gary Ross used this for the comparison against Districts 12, and it also shows how happy everyone is looking right now.

Colour is used effectively to show the theme of rich vs poor. This is demonstrated in the two scenes - District 12 at the start of the film and The Capitol as Katniss and Peeta arrive on the train. In District 12 a natural, dull and dark palette of greens and browns is used to create a wild atmosphere. In the Capitol a metallic, industrial colour palette of whites, silvers and greys is used to create a feeling of an advanced society. The purpose of this is to show the rich vs poor in the two societies. The Capitol has more bright colours and advanced buildings and technologies, whereas District 12 has dull colours to show their run down buildings and over worn clothing. Combined with the use of costumes we're able to see the divide between the wealthy in the Capitol and the poor of District 12. This reminds the audience of the riot scene later in the film when the poor citizens of District 11 rebel against the rule of the Capitol. 

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