
Monday, 27 May 2019

Maths past problems

What we have been learning in maths
In maths we have been working on finding the area, of shapes, lengths and height. One thing that we learnt, was Compound area - busy in the back yard. This problem we have to solve is by looking at the metres and answering the questions. The questions talk about someone wanting to buy slate chippings to cover there entire path, 1 bag costs $140 and would be only able to cover 10m2, and we need to try and find out how much more we need to buy, to cover the rest.
What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or that we discussed in class?
Compound Area, was one thing that I felt comfortable with in maths. I knew how to use metres and to solve them for different interesting questions, just like "A bag of seed costs $12 and covers 5m2 of lawn. How many bags of seeds will I need to buy and how much will it costs.?
Describe a mistake or misconception that you or a classmate had in class. What did you learn from this mistake or misconception. 
I had done a lot of mistakes while solving problems, I would always use a calculator for things that wouldn't solve a problem, when we could use different things like rulers or things that could solve metres, centimetres and other things. I wouldn't really say its a mistake but it's one thing I could get out of my brain one day.

Thursday, 16 May 2019

School Uniforms - Essay Practise Structure

School uniforms are a waste of time and money - 
All School uniforms are a waste of money.
They are a waste of money because you only get to wear uniform in school and that's about it obviously.
Clothes that you have a lot of you can keep changing your clothes everyday, instead of wearing the same thing every 5 days a week.
They are just really expensive and they only last for not that long, once they are wrecked you are gonna have to buy new pairs which will cost a lot.
All school uniforms are a waste of money, they should stop selling them and let everyone wear what they want to wear, which would most likely be cheaper then uniforms.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Essay Writing Practise Structure

Essay Writing Practise Structure
Adverb Sentences:
Curiously, Often, Importantly, Readily, Significantly, Firstly, Lastly, Quickly, Rapidly, Technically, Similarly, Remarkably, Surprisingly.

!Comma would always go after the verb!
Examples in sentences:
Unexpectedly, I turned up to class and everyone was looking
Surprisingly, I wasn't late to class
Importantly, I got straight to work

Begin with a preposition:
Preposition are words that indicate movement or position.
Against, Under, Above, In, At, Throughout, Behind, Over, Prior, Beyond.

Under the bed, I spotted light through the floor.
Behind the house, there was treasure hidden under the dirt.
Above the shed, I could see my lost cat.

Basic body paragraph:
Point - State the point you want to make
Evidence - Provide evidence to support your point 2-3 sentences
Explain - 3-4 Sentences that explain your evidence in relation to your point/question.
Link - Back to your point - 1-2 sentences - To the next paragraph.

Point - Everyone knows that it is better to read the book then to watch the movie.

Evidence - For example, The movie made of Wonder is very different from the book.
It leaves out lots of information. In the book that main teacher is female but in the move they are male.
Also the camp incident missed out the info about Auggie's hearing aids.

Explain - This incident made more sense in the book because he was bullied for having his 'lobo ears' which made his look different.
It didn't make sense to bully him in the movie without them.

Link - For these reasons, the book was clearly better than the movie.
However, you can enjoy the movie without reading the book.

Preposition - Before the bell rang, everyone was getting ready to work
Adverb - Surprisingly, everyone was on task before class started
- ed start - Forced, to talk in front of everyone
W start - When I was coming to class, I luckily came early
The - ing start - Hoping that I wasn't starving, I tried eating as much as I can.
The - ing start - Thinking about food, I started to starve.

Adverb - Quickly, I tried to get ready to work.
Preposition - Under the tables, I could see the carpet.
 - ED start - Scared so much, I had to talk in front of everyone.
- ING start - Praying so much, that I don't get chosen.
W start - Within an hour, I have another subject next.

Q - Quote, rhetorical question
T - Title of your book
A - Author of your book
K - Key argument
O - Outline

Introduction Starter: Practise
Have you ever lived through invasion? In John Marsden's 'tomorrow when the War Began' eight young Australian's venture into the bush, only to return and divorces an unknown force has invaded their town. We see the characters show courage first when they venture to the show grounds. Next when they rescue Lee after he is shot and finally when they blow up the town bridge.
These are memorable to the reader because they show me importance of courage to achieve things.

Wood Tech 2019

Image result for BoomerangsImage result for tool boxes made of woodWood Tech Options Task:

In term 1 and 2 lately we have been learning to make boomerangs and tool boxes made out of wood of course.
It was pretty hard work to make tool boxes, but the fun thing was, was that we get to use different tools we haven't used before, or maybe tools I haven't used before.
It was really creative the way we just make things physically ourselves.
I loved how we get to be creative right after we finished to paint our work and add some stuff to finish it off the way we like it.

Boomerangs were really easy to make.
It didn't really take that long to finish. it was actually pretty fun because it was simple to make and creative to shape it out.
It only took really about 2 weeks to make and finish.
Boomerangs are pretty interesting, the way people think that it would come back to you right after you throw it.
It could be about accuracy and about how you throw it to make it come back to you.

These two things that we have been making were things that I enjoyed doing for this term and last term.
I am glad I had chose wood tech because there are a lot of things that you can create and make to have fun with. 

Friday, 10 May 2019

Unwind Organ Donation Task

Image result for organ donation
Organ Donation Task:
More than 145 Million people have registered as organ donors, but really only about 3 in 

There are more then one surgeon just to do the job for an organ donor, there are a team of surgical's  that helps each other do the job for the organ donor.
The surgical team take away the organs and tissues from the organ donor's body in a operating room.
The surgical don't do there job straight away but do it step by step, they first recover there organs, and then they move onto authorising the tissues just like bones, cornea, and also the skin.

How do the organs get delivered to organ transplants?
Well the organs that the organ donors have given, goes on a flight to being delivered all the way from they were the first time all the way to the country that are waiting for the transplant.
It really gets sent to the Baltimore-based hospital which really takes about five minutes to be given in.
Typically, donor organs are delivered either chartered or commercial flights.

How many lives do organ donors save?
One deceased donor can save up to a really good 8 amount of desperate living lives.
Organ donation can save and enhance a stunning 100 lives through the lifesaving and healing gifts of tissue donation.

Ask other students how many of them intend to donate their organs.
One person had given good information about that they would donate their organs and why they would.
Specifically they would donate there organs because it would help many lives and that they really won't need them once they are dead.
They really think that it is a good idea for the donor to give there organs to people who are in desperate needs, but unless the donor agrees to it.
Some people would agree to donate there organs, but then having their remaining family members to pretty much change their minds for them not letting them donate their organs.
For some people it could make them feel a bit squeamish - when they think about it, because the idea of someone having your kidney or your heart is a little bit creepy in other peoples thoughts - but its still beneficial.
Image result for organ donation

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Abandonment and Being Alone Unwind

Image result for abandonmentUNWIND:
Abandonment is something that happens a lot in the book "Unwind". A lot happens in the book with about three main characters Connor, Risa and Roland are four of the most known characters who went through being abandoned. 

Connor was one of the characters who was abandoned, he really didn't do anything bad for him to be signed to an unwind order, but just his parents who thought they would just do it, for non given reasons.
Connor really full with anger wanted to kill his parents but decided to do it in kindness, he also wanted to show stuff that will make his parents feel regretful for signing the unwind order.

Image result for being aloneRisa was abandoned in a really sad way, she was living in a Sta-Ho/State Home for the first fifteen years, she chose music for her course of study, she performed and played piano very beautifully until she got distracted and made only one mistake that had her crying.
Later on she was put into an unwind order.

Being Alone
Being alone is something that is very bad and sometimes very good.
Sometimes you would want to be alone during school work or quite time by yourself, or being free to do anything you want by yourself instead of anyone holding you back.
You would experience sad things sometimes while your alone so it depends on how you want to be alone or be with someone else.

“Connor wonders how he can call the place he lives home, when he is about to be evicted—not just from the place he sleeps, but from the hearts of those who are supposed to love him” 

"Being alone had not been part of his plan...the moment his parents signed those papers, Connor was alone." "Then once he turns eighteen, he's home free.

Lev "No true hero ever believes that they are one".
Lev can feel different ways by this quote, but by my beliefs this quotes relates to him being a hero but just doesn't believe in himself.

Risa "He will only do the wrong thing when its the right thing to do".
This quote kinda makes me think about someone telling the wrong thing that could hurt the other person's feelings, but still being the right thing to do.
Unless the other person needs to know the truth, there emotions could naturally be fine and not be sad at all.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Migration Push and Pull Factors

Migration Push Pull Factors:

Migration is something someone goes from one place to another.
They can go from one place where they were born and then move somewhere else, maybe because they want to or somethings makes them need to.
For Example, there cousins birthday is overseas, or maybe there would be a funeral that they really need to go to.
Migration is also something that happens a lot almost everywhere and anywhere.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Legality vs Morality Unwind

Unwind Legality vs Morality
Is it better to harm one person and save many, or harm many and save one.
In my opinion it would be obvious that harming one and saving many is one of my choices that I would choose, but not to happen if it was a choice to choose in reality.
This statement could lead to many examples just like, you was to be put in a pressured test, under 30 seconds you have to choose either one person that you may know you is going to kill or other 4 people that you barely know, which one would you kill, before the time runs out the both of your choices will die.

Or another example: You are a doctor and you are trying to save 10 people's lives, all of them needing for different organs.
On the other hand there is only one person who was coming to see if he is alright or not, but not really need for help really.
You had a choice to either choose the helping not really helping mans life to save the 10 people who are really in need of help or, choose the 10 lives and save the one man.

Of course my choice would be to choose the many lives over a one living life, its pretty obvious that you know you would save many lives then to kill them over one.
Unless its someone you really know like your family member or a parent, then you would know what to choose.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

The value of Human Life Unwind

Unwind Value of human life
The value of human life are things people love doing to show the earth the meaning of why they are brought here.
They could be brought here for many reasons, just like building houses, singing, dancing and much more that could make this world easy for others.
People shouldn't be treated unfairly but be treated how everyone is equally treated. There shouldn't be burdens on people with adoptions, homelessness and many more that could mean the same thing.

Connor in the book was treated unfairly he did not do anything wrong or anything to make his parents sign the unwind paper. He was angry and not surprised that he saw the unwind order, there were so many things going in Connor's mind that would make him feel better.
He was discovering things that would make his parents feel so bad for him and to make them feel all the regrets on what they did to unwind him.

Children shouldn't feel unwanted or be unwanted at all, parents should be given knowledge to show respect to there child.
Things like these may happen for certain reasons, but they shouldn't put it all on the child that hasn't fully experience the real world.