
Monday 26 November 2018

Maths Crafts

Maths Crafts:

In maths crafts we are making different types of thing to do with paper.
We had to get into groups of 4 and create things that we see on different paper instructions.
Image result for origami vaseI made a thing called a mongus sponge and there was a lot of folding which was pretty hard work and very untiring but I finished off really good and I really give myself credit for doing such a good Job.

And right now today we are choosing a subject to do I chose origami and others chose different cool things.
Me and my group are making a vase with flowers with paper colourful type and we are hoping and we know that its going to end well :D.

Friday 26 October 2018

Film studies

In English we are learning to think critically to identify and describe the key aspects of a visual text.
I was learning about doing a plot and to make a point timeline.
So what I had to do with it is to put all the main parts in all different time lines there were ten chapters and I had to figure about through out the whole movie to find main parts to put all together and I also had to add pictures to go next with the main point and it was pretty hard but I did a good Job.

Friday 19 October 2018

Mu torere

Tech term 4 2018
Mu torere

What we did in wood tech term 4 we had to make a maori game called mu torere 
the thing I used to make this was using a pencil compass by making a good circle.

But before that you have to make lines Horizontally, Vertically and Diagonally to do where the middle dot will be.
The way this game goes is each player only has one place to move to until your next turn and this is a two player game and the way it goes is to trap your opponent from moving but the game still goes because there is a space in the middle you can move in.
There are two layers of wood for this one wood with the holes on the and one of them that don't so that the pins don't go through while your playing.

Monday 17 September 2018

Raising seeds

Science 2018
Raising seeds:

To look at the different growing conditions and how these affect the growth of seeds.

We worked in groups of 3-4 students
Potting mix was put into the cups
The cups were planted with radish seeds;
Each cup had a different growing conditions
Cup 1 - Normal
Cup 2 - red cellophane
Cup 3 - Over watered
Cup 4 - Under watered or green cellophane

The plants grew in their cups for 10 days before they we measured.


Some of the plants were over planted and some didn't grow well but the only the one that grew had a red cellophane covering the top.
Here are the two results that we got out of our ten days plant waitings

The seedling height was:

 1. (0mm)
2. (0mm)
3. (50mm)
4. (0mm)

The best growing conditions were:

1. The plant with the red cellophane covering the top was the only one that had the best results because it was the only that grew.

Therefore the seedling with the red cellophane condition grew to a height of 50mm.

Friday 14 September 2018

Tec term 3

Tech term 3 2018

What we did in tech during this term was working on 3D printing and puzzle work.
And what we did to do our puzzle was having three rectangle that was already cut for us and so what we did to do the rest of the puzzle was using rulers and a pencil to line it horizontal, vertical and diagonally so we know where the middle dot will be.

The top photo was the start of our project and the photo that the project is put together is the finished puzzle the we made.
It was pretty hard and messy to do this project and we had to Cut it out, File it, polish it, It took a lot of work just to do this project but we ended very well and luckily finished everything that took a lot of times to do.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Traditional Tales In English

English 2018

What I have been learning about traditional tales:

I have been learning about traditional tales and what I got out of it was that every stories has different things Just like what they mean and what they are doing in there stories.
Other stories are also different from each other because of different stories they show and tell
Just like Myths,Legends,Fables and tales etc.  
Image result for fairy tales
Image result for myths and legendsThese are different stories about fairy tales these are very nice stories to read and could easily get Kids or elders entertained because they have pictures they can show to get other into the story. The type of audience these stories could be attracted to is some primary kids and under 10 years or whoever is interested in fairy tales.
Here is a Myths and legends stories they are very cool to read and to also get entertained with.
The type of audiences these stories could get people attracted to is teenagers or maybe young adults cause they might like get scary types of stories and whoever like Myths and Legends.

Also some cultures have stories because they might be keeping all kids and others company with stories that could help them keep educated and interested in stories and be learning how to read.

Here is one of the pictures that our group created by hand and the story is called the Lion and the mouse it was pretty hard to make the mouse because we have big hands Just to create a little mouse.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Three piece puzzle

Three piece puzzle:

We made a three piece puzzle but what we did to start it off with was a planing sheet.
We had to rule it very straight diagonally, horizontal and vertical so we know where the middle dot is.
And so after we finished doing our planning sheet we had to do the same thing on the 3D wood we got given from our teacher but we had three wood we had to line up but three different ways Diagonally, Horizontally and Vertically.
After we had found the centre of the wood we had to do three different shapes so we can cut out, and here were the different shapes.

We made this using rulers, pencils and different types of cutting tools.

Thursday 23 August 2018

Science term 3

23/08/18Science PhysicsTransporting in plants:

To observe xylem tissue and prove that they transport water up the plant.

One stick of celery with the leaves still attached, a retort stand, boss head and clamp a petri dish, water, food colouring, a knife or scalpel. 

1. Make a cut across the base of the celery stalk to expose a new section of the stem.

2. Fill the petri dish with water and add a few drops of food colouring.

3. Place the celery stalk in the petri dish and gently clamp it in place using the retort stand, boss head and clamp.

4. Leave the stalk undisturbed for 24 hours.

5. Remove the stalk from the clamp and petri dish. Cut the stem about 1/3 of the way up the stem.

Friday 17 August 2018

Music 2018 Term 3

Music 2018

What we are working on in music this term:
We are working on doing an advertisement for our jingle 
and we have to video ourselves in a group at a building where ever building you want to go to but we need permission to teachers and at a building we are going to perform a video at if we can leave school and film a video for our jingle.

What is our Job:
Our job will be to get permission if we can leave school and permission to the building we will be filming at and to also have each person in the group to film and where to put other people to the good position they should be at.

How will we ensure that we are successful:
We will double check on our video to see if we made any mistakes and we will redo the part again.

Here is one of the winning award videos.

What am I learning:
I am learning how to film a video of our group to make a good ad.

How does this work show my learning:
This shows my learning to make a good ad so we know how to make a good film for a good learning video for a music subject.

What am I wondering:
I am wondering if our fair go award ad will be a good ad for our jingle.

Friday 10 August 2018

Tech 2018

Tech 2018 T3

In technology we have been working on 3D printing and what we learnt was how to download how to use the website Tinkercad and Thingiverse and Thingiverse take us to a website that you can get Ideas from to make a good 3D print.
Tinkercad is a website that you have to create anything you like and to see how you would like it to look when it comes out.
Here is one of them that I printed

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Science 2018

Science 2018

Refraction through lenses

To investigate how different types of lenses refract light.

1. Set up a ray box, triple-slit ray slide and power supply
2. Place the convex lens in the space below. Place the ray box at the top of the page and shine the three rays of light at the lens. Make sure the central light ray hits the lens at 90 degrees as indicated in the diagram.
3. Carefully trace the direction of the incoming and refracted rays.
4. Repeat using the concave lens.

Thursday 2 August 2018

Science 2018

Science 2018

To investigate the reflection of light rays in concave and convex mirrors
Ray box, triple-slit ray slide, concave and convex mirrors, power supply.
1. Set up your ray box, triple-slit ray slide and power supply.
2. Place the mirrors on your book as indicated below. Place the ray box at the top of the page and shine the 3 rays of light at the mirror.
3. Ensure that the middle ray of light is hitting the mirror at a 90 degree angle.
4. Carefully trace the direction of the three incident rays and the three reflected rays.

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Catchy Advertisement

Polar popsImage result for polar pops

I am learning about what are catchy jingles and to see and hear what is happening and listening clearly for the slogan and what they are trying to make people want to do.

This shows my learning to like to having to liking music and to see what the meaning is behind there product they are selling.

Im wondering if they are still selling all of these 4 products in New Zealand and where to buy it from.