
Friday 30 August 2019

Critical literacy - Nosedive

How are adults constructed in this text?
Adults in this film Black Mirror, Nosedive, are constructed to show what social media is, and how people use them. Adults are used a lot in this film, to show the strong side of social media no children are used in this film because children don't really know the meaning of social media and how to use them properly.

What kind of social reality does this text portray?
People rate each other before or while having a conversation, they use manners and show maturity to get a good rate from 1 to 5. This doesn't exist in our world today to show each others personality, but we do rate things that we use and buy to let the owners know how we feel about the products. 

How does this text construct a version of reality?
 This can be really interesting if everyone had the rights to rate each other, because right now it doesn't exist in our world today.

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