
Friday, 25 May 2018

What I have been doing in English

9SP English:
Mighty you are - Walls Group:

What I did in English was listening to music and I was listening to Might you are from the Walls Group there is a meaning in this song that really inspires me to listen to it over and over again.
Because I'm a christian I love to listen to Christian songs but this song has a meaning.
Its like if I get angry at Jesus or God I know that he still loves me even if other people don't love him or think he is not real he still knows he will never forget or you or your name and mostly your heart and this song is always something to listen to if your mad and what I know is that giving God all the glory gives me back blessings and love from our only God in heaven. Image result for walls group

Thursday, 17 May 2018

What did I do in english

9SP English:
Read theory:
Three Keys To Bowling:

What I did in English was doing read theory and what I was reading was Three Keys to Bowling and It was showing everyone how to bowl a ball and how long the bowling lane is and also why there are three holes on the bowling ball and why kids have more lighter bowling balls then adults

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Silent Reading English

9SP English
Book Title: A Friend
Purpose: Information
Target Audience: Childrens

I read a book called A Friend
It was about a little girl named Emily and her mum, They were outside on a cold, winter, snowy day they were making a snowman and they weren't cold because they were busy focusing on making the snowman.
And what Emily did was put everything into place like where the arms go and where the hat and nose go. After they had finish it was very breezy and so the mum said lets go inside and make some hot cocoa.
But Emily had been thinking that the snowman that they made is missing something and she has been thinking for a while.
Until she noticed that the snowman is missing something so Emily ran to put on her jacket and boots, And went outside and told her mum what the snowman was missing, A Friend.Image result for snowman and a friend

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Silent reading English

9SP English
Book Title: This book isn't safe
Author: Colin furze
Purpose: Entertainment and information
Target Audience: Teenagers and young adults

This is a book to learn how to build lots of silly, funny, awesome, Fun things.
It shows about how he grew up doing fun things then to do boring things. So what he did was he decided to change things to making such fun stuff. Also this was his first ever book he made which is
This book isn't safe which entertains people to read it because they know something good is going to happen from the title.
These are the things that he write in his book which is building thing, Building and creating bedrooms, Explosions, Design shoes that vacuums the floor, Hover-bike using two paramotor engines.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Science Diffusion

Hot and cold water Diffusion


Before the water on each plastic plate was Hot and Cold
So what we did was clipped some purple crystals with a tweaser.
And put some in each different plastic plates with hot and cold water.
And here are the results we found out to see if they dissolve or stay in one place.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Science brass ball and ring

Aim: To try make the brass ball not fit into the ring and then make it fit again

1. Grab the bunsen burner and place it on top of the orange mat that is on the table
2. Plug it in the broen gas that is attached to the wall
3. Make sure that it is away from any other objects.
4. Lift the broen gas and twist but make sure the bottom of the bunsen burner hole is closed before it is lit
5. Ignite the bunsen burner at the top hole where the fire will come from
6. Make sure you get a cup of cold water
7. Hold the handle of the brass ball and the ring, Then place the ball first and as it is burning the heat energy starts to rise like get hotter.
8. Try see if you can fit the brass ball in the ring if it doesn't you might notice that the ball as expand or whatever you heated first.
So what we did was place the brass ball on top of the bunsen burner to see what happens and as you try it the ball will expand and will not be able to fit through the ring.
Make sure that you get a cup of cold water because the heat energy of the brass ball is hot and even if you get close to it, you might feel the heat.
And the movement of the particles in the solid you could nearly see starting to shake.