
Monday 14 September 2020

Joshua Iva - Static image

Few updated work, but work is still in progress...


Why is purple considered the color of royalty? - HISTORY

This photo (crown) defines the colour purple, it shows a strong meaning of royalty and 3 other strong meaning behind the visual text is wealth, power and wisdom. If this is placed on someone's head it shows that they are worthy to do anything and are to basically to shown respect, and they get to take lead of what they are crowned for, like King, Queen, Prince etc. The colour purple fully shows and symbolises wisdom, luxury, royalty and power.


Visual Texts. What is a visual text? A visual text is a text in which the  image plays a major role in the audiences' response. Although visual texts  make. - ppt download

This visual text symbolises gender (male and female). This is most common to be seen in public toilets, the reason being is because there places where females and males have to be separated due to privacy and the way the toilets are set for each gender. Its important to have toilets for two different genders, because it is safe for each other to feel comfortable when in need for privacy. Lets just say if a male was to for whatever reason was to walk in the female bathroom, it would cause the females to argue back and lose confident.


How To Use Leading Lines To Create Powerful iPhone Photos

In this image, you can see a person standing in the middle of a tunnel, and what the tunnel is doing it leading its lines to the focal point. Everything in the image all has lines leading to the main part of the photo, the yellow and black lines on the side, and on the floor you see mini squares that have lines leading to the person and also in the ceiling, having a shiny reflection that reflects the floor and the side lines repeating its image that also shows leading lines. This helps shows the meaning behind image and lines, because they draw attention when looking at it, the first thing you would see is the focal point (Main part of the image) and because the help of the lines (Leading lines) it creates a beautiful image showing the techniques of the different static image aspect.


  1. Hi Joshua, I liked how you've used descriptive words to describe each aspect of your static image. Good job:)

  2. good descriptive words baaa , kapai u kotiro (;

  3. i like how you explained your static images very well and so much information.

  4. Hi Josh, Your detailed description of your images is great. The description and the images both balance well together. It shows that you understand clearly the image features and how they were used. Nice Work!


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