Great Britain Research:
The treaty of union was between England and Scotland, together named Great Britain. The Treaty were agreed on 22nd of July 1706, and lasted until 1707. The positive side for being a treaty, is to give a lot of information about the treaties that were signed in the past, in the 1700s. The negatives of the history known from the Scottish and England Act of Union, is when we know some of the Scottish people wanted to be free and be an independent country during the Scottish Independence. As much as the Scottish people wanted to an independent country, the majority of people who said "No" was to equal everything between each groups. The Treaty of Union between Scotland and England uniting, was known that it had been proposed for a hundred years before it really happened in 1707.
BBC info:
During the time in 1706, it was agreed for the treaty to be faced between England and Scotland, in negotiations in London. England was keeping everything to themselves secretly, promises and everything because they weren't to sure if they would trust the Scottish people so that Scotland would not lose out from union. The councillors in the Scottish Royal Burghs has sent an event of a written request to the Scottish parliament throughout the debates, voicing concern about the Treaty.