
Tuesday 29 October 2019

A man of great courage

1. Which word in paragraph 9 means the same as sympathy, kindness and generosity shown to fellow human beings?
(a) Bestowed
(b) Honour
(c) Humanitarianism
My Ans. Humanitarianism
Ans. Humanitarianism 

2. A word which could be used to describe Marcel Marceau is:
(a) Caring
(b) Extravagant
(c) Cowardly 
My Ans. Extravagant 
Ans. Caring

3. It is a fact, not an opinion, that Marcel and his brother:
(a) Changed their name.
(b) Were cowards.
(c) Were heroes and were brave.
My Ans. Cowards
Ans. Changed their name

4. Marcel's father was arrested by the Gestapo because he:
(a) Had committed a crime
(b) Was a jew
(c) Did not support Germany
My Ans. Had committed a crime
Ans. Was a jew

5. Marcel's role as a humanitarian earned him great:
(a) Wealth
(b) Friends
(c) Respect 
My Ans. Respect
Ans. Respect

6. Marcel became known as the 'king of mimodrama':
(a) From a young age.
(b) During his days in the resistance 
(c) After the war
My Ans. After the war
Ans. After the war

7. The main idea of Paragraph 1 is to:
(a) Find out if the reader knows what mime is.
(b) Explain what mime is.
(c) Give a personal opinion of mime
My Ans. Explain what mime is
Ans. Explain what mime is

8. Marcel Marceau was born in which year?
(a) 1923
(b) 1922
(c) 1924
My Ans. 1923
Ans. 1923

9. From the text we can conclude that Marcel Marceau:
(a) Was self-centred 
(b) Had a social conscience 
(c) Was shy
My Ans. Had a social conscience
Ans. Had a social conscience

10. In times of hardship, Marcel Marceau probably would have:
(a) Been miserable
(b) Used laughter to survive
(c) Been angry
My Ans. Been miserable 
Ans. Used laughter to survive

11. The text is written as:
(a) A narrative
(b) An exposition 
(c) A biography 
My Ans. A Narrative 
Ans. A Biography

12. In Paragraph 4, the pronoun he refers to:
(a) Marcel's father.
(b) Marcel's brother 
(c) Marcel.
My Ans. Marcel's father 
Ans. Marcel's father


Thursday 17 October 2019

Essay Brainstorming

School should be closed when its hotter than 30 degrees:

I agree that school should be close when its hotter than 30 degrees. During class while working, it will be hard to focus while competing against the heat. Sometimes being hot can make you tired, your body won't handle the heat and you would lose ideas. Sometimes people can handle the heat, and they like it, because they could think of many things to do during interval or after school. After all I would still have to agree with my choice, to close school during hot days, I can't focus with work, and I can just melt on the spot.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Free writing

Poem Free Writing:
Image result for fortnite rocketImage result for fortnite black hole
Image result for fortnite chapter 2321 The rocket shoots,
Setting 7 rifts coming from the roof,
Building power to teleport the meteor,
It was too strong it shot to the core.

Fortnite with the black hole,
Staring deep at it to its soul,
Fortnite coming to its finish line,
Let Chapter 2 begin its time.

Memories saved since season 1,
Chapter 2 has now begun,
Map looking ugly as hell,
I really don't know about the game I can't tell.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Critical Literacy Adverts

How are people represented in N.Z anti drinking adverts?

People in NZ can show in a lot of ads for drinking and driving, because it can most likely happen in our country, their were a group of boys going to get a drink, but the driver had to stay sober so that they can drive home safe. Driver decided to drink behind their friends's back, and later on they got into a huge accident, and never called him to be his mate.