
Friday 21 June 2019

Mathematical Questions

What were the main mathematical concepts or ideas that you learned or that we discussed in class?
We learned as a class about, growing shapes, and finding out the 55th figure of each question 
These mathematical shapes I guess, grow bigger and bigger, and what we have to do is to not only say the answer of how many squares there are, but to also say how we found it.

Describe a mistake or misconception that you or a classmate had in class. What did you learn from this mistake or misconception?
I hardly had any mistakes this term in maths, but a mistake I have done was answer things too fast and find out that I wasn't supposed to do it that way.

What new vocabulary words or terms were introduced?
Find the figure to the answer???, Justifying your answer?.
There were many ways of what these shapes look like, just like the way they are put and the colour were used to make the pattern obvious.

1 comment:

  1. I like your post and the fact that you have noticed that you don't have to solve things fast in maths, and that it can be better to take your time and make sure you understand what you are meant to be doing.
    In your next post, can you give some examples of what you are talking about? think back to the question - what did you get wrong? what was the right way? what made you realise that the first way was wrong.
    Thanks Josh


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