
Monday 17 September 2018

Raising seeds

Science 2018
Raising seeds:

To look at the different growing conditions and how these affect the growth of seeds.

We worked in groups of 3-4 students
Potting mix was put into the cups
The cups were planted with radish seeds;
Each cup had a different growing conditions
Cup 1 - Normal
Cup 2 - red cellophane
Cup 3 - Over watered
Cup 4 - Under watered or green cellophane

The plants grew in their cups for 10 days before they we measured.


Some of the plants were over planted and some didn't grow well but the only the one that grew had a red cellophane covering the top.
Here are the two results that we got out of our ten days plant waitings

The seedling height was:

 1. (0mm)
2. (0mm)
3. (50mm)
4. (0mm)

The best growing conditions were:

1. The plant with the red cellophane covering the top was the only one that had the best results because it was the only that grew.

Therefore the seedling with the red cellophane condition grew to a height of 50mm.

Friday 14 September 2018

Tec term 3

Tech term 3 2018

What we did in tech during this term was working on 3D printing and puzzle work.
And what we did to do our puzzle was having three rectangle that was already cut for us and so what we did to do the rest of the puzzle was using rulers and a pencil to line it horizontal, vertical and diagonally so we know where the middle dot will be.

The top photo was the start of our project and the photo that the project is put together is the finished puzzle the we made.
It was pretty hard and messy to do this project and we had to Cut it out, File it, polish it, It took a lot of work just to do this project but we ended very well and luckily finished everything that took a lot of times to do.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Traditional Tales In English

English 2018

What I have been learning about traditional tales:

I have been learning about traditional tales and what I got out of it was that every stories has different things Just like what they mean and what they are doing in there stories.
Other stories are also different from each other because of different stories they show and tell
Just like Myths,Legends,Fables and tales etc.  
Image result for fairy tales
Image result for myths and legendsThese are different stories about fairy tales these are very nice stories to read and could easily get Kids or elders entertained because they have pictures they can show to get other into the story. The type of audience these stories could be attracted to is some primary kids and under 10 years or whoever is interested in fairy tales.
Here is a Myths and legends stories they are very cool to read and to also get entertained with.
The type of audiences these stories could get people attracted to is teenagers or maybe young adults cause they might like get scary types of stories and whoever like Myths and Legends.

Also some cultures have stories because they might be keeping all kids and others company with stories that could help them keep educated and interested in stories and be learning how to read.

Here is one of the pictures that our group created by hand and the story is called the Lion and the mouse it was pretty hard to make the mouse because we have big hands Just to create a little mouse.