
Monday 27 September 2021

Rough copy of Panel Two

In this panel two rough copy, I decided to design something crazy on my second panel and create awesome unique shapes to me. On my other panel its pretty simple and shapes are basic. This is only the start and rough drawing of my second panel, I really hope to see that this can come to life and bring an amazing piece of artwork to my kaupapa and design. 


Wednesday 5 May 2021

My explanation of a portfolio

 In this design port folio, we can see the colours and the design of each piece fits together in groups. We circle them in groups to see how they fit together and how they come together when they are spread out all over the two panels. What I mean by that is that some of the groups are put all over the place but relate to each other, like having to relate one group of the t shirts with the group on the top right of the panel. 

Monday 29 March 2021

Personal description of a chosen traditional artwork

 Personal description:

Looking at this artwork we see that this artwork relates to time, because there are clocks being placed everywhere but they are melting. This artwork includes some warm colours and some smooth texture, the colour that is used the most is brown, with a bit of gradient and fading, slightly changing the colour brighter or darker. The setting is placed in a desert by the looks of it, because the artwork doesn’t show a clear background of where the location is but just a smooth, unreal painting of the background. There is this white looking animal that is lying down on the ground, I don’t really know what it's supposed to be or mean, but it almost looks like a horse. There also is a branch holding one of the three melting clocks showing that there is a little bit of environmental in this art piece, there is a cliff in the background with the sun light touching it, and the paintings in front having dark colours, showing that there is shade and something to blocking the sun from touching it.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Writing my Brief

 A Brief is your ‘WHY’ - the reason you are making art. It will help direct your thinking and give you the core details of your design project. Essentially, you need to start with a brand or a business and go from there.

What is a brief? A brief is something that is short but explains something straight to the point. 

Why do you need one? Instead of designing something large or something you don’t understand, in a creative brief you have to clearly see what the design is and justify its benefits, and also planning how you will get the attention of your audience.

Answer these Key Questions:

  1. What is your Brand or Business? Raising Awareness Design

  2. What is the Purpose of your Brand or Business? Raising awareness of what could go wrong if you continue to do something that could change the way they live into a bad behaviour, like phone addiction could ruin your life, lack of family time can lose love and support when needed etc.

  3. Who is your Target Audience? 14 - 21 years of age (Both females and males)

For this Business that I want to create, I've decided to design something that includes awareness. I was thinking of doing something that has something to do with phone addiction and how bad it could effect our well-being, our relationship with family and friends, and how it could effect our brains while we are on our phones and after we get off them. I am targeting the audience from ages 14 - 21, because at teenage times you would need, want and always be on your phone to chat with others across different social media platforms. As a child under the age of 14, they would want to play more outdoors and not much on phones, and for adults over 21, they will have jobs and different things to focus on instead of being on their phones all the time. I am not saying the these specific ages I chose for this awareness don't do outdoors, but there are about 95% of teens who have access to smartphones, and 50% of teenagers feel addicted.

The colour palette I chose to start using for my logo development is a technique of complementary colours, which are both red and green.

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Digital moodboard - My theme and kaupapa

For this digital mood board, I have chosen to do Design for Level 2 this year, and so I am looking to for design artist and finding out their artwork design title and date that they have published them. There are 11 artist to find and discover their artwork, there are 3 categories of themes that they are in, traditional, contemporary and Aotearoa. My kaupapa this year will be Cityscape. 

My brainstorm or thoughts of what each theme means.
Spiritual and cultural - This theme is about culture, and defining about a culture, by seeing what they do, why they do it, and their artworks and explaining what is behind the piece. 
Environment - This theme is about planet earth, basically our environment, what we see around us, the grass, trees, buildings and everything is counted as our environment, and we learn about why we should protect it, and what happens if we don't protect it. 
Cityscape - This theme I believe is about the city, when you go in the middle of Christchurch we would see buildings, and we see lights and huge artworks of buildings. I love view like this when reaching the top of the hills and seeing the city, its so beautiful, and I would really love to share artwork about it, that is why I chose this theme.
Equality - I believe equality is about us humans, what we share about each other, how each and one of us should be treated for the way we are and how we want to be. 

Thursday 5 November 2020

Money Heist Poster

This visual text is going to be film poster. I based my static image on the film series "Money Heist". The images I used to create this poster are characters from the film, their costumes they use, and also raining money, showing what they are trying to complete getting, throughout this film. The colours that you mainly see are black and red, this helps show what is happening in this poster and throughout the movie. The colour red represents, war, danger, love, desire, strength, hate, anger etc. As what the quote has been said, "Love is a good reason for everything to fall apart" on the top left, two people are in a relationship during the crisis on the heist together with the whole crew, they get so distracted that then the plan did tend to fall apart, for it shows on the top right picture, where then one member from their crew get captured into a scary situation. 

As said, the verbal feature I used was a quote being said in the movie from the female character on the top left, saying "In the end, love is a good reason for everything to fall apart". The font used gives are very good tone to the poster, it communicates well with the images which show very dark features from the movie. The colours red and black have been used very effectively to give dark vibes to the audience and to show meaning without much explanation, by this I mean, the colours talk for itself to show what they are pointing out throughout this poster in the film, and to give the quote a good meaning in this poster, and make the image look effective.

  1. The type of visual text I am going to create is ... Poster on google drawings

  1. I am going to base my static image on ... Money Heist

  1. The images I am going to use are… Money, Red costume worn with mask, weapons, red lightning.

  1. I am going to use these images because… it relates to the movie, they want to steal money but they play it without revealing their faces

  1. The verbal feature I am going to use is … “In the end, love is a good reason for everything to fall apart”

Movie Description:

A criminal mastermind who goes by "The Professor" has a plan to pull off the biggest heist in recorded history -- to print billions of euros in the Royal Mint of Spain.To help him carry out the ambitious plan, he recruits eight people with certain abilities and who have nothing to lose.The group of thieves take hostages to aid in their negotiations with the authorities, who strategize to come up with a way to capture The Professor. As more time elapses, the robbers prepare for a showdown with the police.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Art painting piece

My Kaupapa for these individual different painting and layout, is identity. This first image is a cut piece from cardboard, and painted to show the 3D of my painting that are below. The second image is a painting of what I want to do in 3D but what you see in it is cold colours that I used to express the texture of what the colour is showing to create this human piece. The third image is also the repeated copy of the second image, but in warm colour, it creates a warm, messy and beautiful look and gives you a bright type of vibe. 

What is working? - What is working is that on the first image I used cold colour on the folded legs, and I used the warm colour on the upper part of the body. Everything tends to look good together, putting together a piece of cold and warm coloured pieces. 

What is not working? - The oval pieces, known as the hands and feet, I don't think would go together well when put together with the entire piece. 

What is my next step? -  To try think it out with the colour of the hands and feet, and also try workout the colour for the face/mask.

I want to add a bucket hat with dripping paint coming out of it to create colour effects on the mask with a bit of warm and cold colour, but then I feel like it would be too much on everything. Everything is coming together well so far though, I love how the colours mixed well together but making two colours show.