
Tuesday 16 March 2021

Writing my Brief

 A Brief is your ‘WHY’ - the reason you are making art. It will help direct your thinking and give you the core details of your design project. Essentially, you need to start with a brand or a business and go from there.

What is a brief? A brief is something that is short but explains something straight to the point. 

Why do you need one? Instead of designing something large or something you don’t understand, in a creative brief you have to clearly see what the design is and justify its benefits, and also planning how you will get the attention of your audience.

Answer these Key Questions:

  1. What is your Brand or Business? Raising Awareness Design

  2. What is the Purpose of your Brand or Business? Raising awareness of what could go wrong if you continue to do something that could change the way they live into a bad behaviour, like phone addiction could ruin your life, lack of family time can lose love and support when needed etc.

  3. Who is your Target Audience? 14 - 21 years of age (Both females and males)

For this Business that I want to create, I've decided to design something that includes awareness. I was thinking of doing something that has something to do with phone addiction and how bad it could effect our well-being, our relationship with family and friends, and how it could effect our brains while we are on our phones and after we get off them. I am targeting the audience from ages 14 - 21, because at teenage times you would need, want and always be on your phone to chat with others across different social media platforms. As a child under the age of 14, they would want to play more outdoors and not much on phones, and for adults over 21, they will have jobs and different things to focus on instead of being on their phones all the time. I am not saying the these specific ages I chose for this awareness don't do outdoors, but there are about 95% of teens who have access to smartphones, and 50% of teenagers feel addicted.

The colour palette I chose to start using for my logo development is a technique of complementary colours, which are both red and green.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Joshua, this is really interesting for a campaign. I like it a lot. It is totally relevant to you and probably would link in with your health work nicely too. Have you spoken to Miss Aitken about that? It would mean work you do for Art could possibly contribute to Health.


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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
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